" Yeah, the big lizard thing is making a huge mess somewhere out there."." Hey man, what if we gave some 420-J to that freaky statue thing?"." I still keep a plant somewhere, man.".It is unknown who the voice belongs to and what intentions they may hold.Ĭhannel 4 Occasional chatter between MTF units can be heard. " Every single thing he says is a lie.The radio jingle is off-key and in reverse and a message can be made out by an unknown male voice. Occasionally, a distorted message will come upon the radio feed. Strychnine, Arsenic Trioxide, Nitrobenzene, Mercury, Epichlorohydrin, Acetone Thiosemicarbazone, and spiders. " When dining at the facility cafeteria, always remember to check your ration for the deadly seven." Don't forget! Wednesday is pizza day! So head on down to the cafeteria and grab yourself a hot slice! -The SCP Foundation holds no liability for any injuries or illnesses sustained or contracted through the attendance of pizza day.".

As they say, shoot, stare and sprint! Or feed the incoming monster one of your friends.

" You're listening to SCP Foundation On-site Radio! Your 24/7 source for prerecorded messages.".The messages are always accompanied by a cheery, albeit slightly discordant theme tune. Relays a series of prerecorded messages that provide guidance, morale and site announcements for personnel.